Delivery method will vary depending on
Your recipient’s delivery address
Desired delivery date
The selected bouquet or gift
The best way to know whether your order will be hand delivered by one of our couriers or shipped with one of our trusted partners is to go to and click “Shop All” at the top of the page.
Enter your delivery address into the “Sending To” field at the top left of the page, and select a delivery date in the “Delivery Date” field to the right. Once you’ve done that, you’ll see a notation under each gift explaining whether it will be hand delivered or shipped.
Note: The availability of all products on your order will dynamically update the delivery method. For example, selecting a bouquet that's available for hand delivery and then adding a vase or candle that is only available via nationwide shipping will push the entire order to an overnight shipping method. The final delivery method for your order will be displayed on the checkout screen.