With the Shopify migration, customers can no longer edit or delete their payment methods without placing an order. If a customer contacts us about editing, updating, or deleting a payment method, we have a few options to assist them
Please note: We can only help with editing or deleting payment information saved in Shopify. If a customer wants to change a payment made with PayPal or ShopPay, they will need to do that directly through those platforms.
If a customer is placing an order:
If a customer is trying to update their payment method while placing an order — you can direct them to this article “How Can I Update or Delete My Payment Method on File?” This article will guide them through the process of editing their payment method during checkout
If a customer is not placing an order:
If a customer wishes to edit their payment method without placing an order or is having trouble doing so while checking out, we can provide them with a link to update their payment method by following these steps:
Go to the customer's page by searching for the customer’s name or email address in the Shopify Admin Center
Scroll down to find the "Payment Method" block on the right-hand side of the screen and click the Edit icon to view existing payment methods.
Click the three dots next to the payment method they would like to update and choose one of the following options:
“Send link to update payment method” to email the customer with a link that enables them to edit the card on file
“Remove payment method” to delete the card on file from their account.
By using these steps, we can assist the customer in easily managing their payment methods.